Brew Guides

Here are some simple, but effective, recipes that we've tested and found to produce excellent results. Each of these preparation methods can be tweaked and enhanced, and experimenting with new recipes is a lot of fun!  


French Press 

1. Grind 30g (about 3 tablespoons) of your Hypergoat coffee beans to a coarse consistency, similar to breadcrumbs.
2. Add your freshly ground Hypergoat coffee to the French press.
3. Pour 450g (or 16oz) of boiling water into the French press. Ensure all the coffee is soaked.
4. Place the lid on the press without pushing down and let the coffee steep for 4 minutes.
5. Slowly push down the plunger until it reaches the bottom.
6. Pour and enjoy your Hypergoat coffee immediately to avoid over-extraction.

Hario V60

1. Grind 20g (about 2 tablespoons) of your Hypergoat coffee beans to a medium-fine consistency, similar to table salt.
2. Place the filter in your Hario V60, then pour some hot water through the filter to wet it and warm the brewer.
3. Dispose of the water used for rinsing.
4. Add your freshly ground Hypergoat coffee to the filter.
5. Pour 50g (or about 1.75oz) of water to bloom the coffee, then wait 30 seconds.
6. Continue pouring water in a circular motion until you reach 320g (or about 11.3oz) of water.
7. Allow the water to draw down completely.
8. Enjoy your fresh cup of Hypergoat coffee.


1. Grind 20g (about 2 tablespoons) of your Hypergoat coffee beans to a medium consistency.
2. Place the filter in the Kalita, then rinse the filter with hot water and discard the water.
3. Add your freshly ground Hypergoat coffee to the filter.
4. Pour 60g (or about 2.1oz) of water over the grounds for the bloom phase, then wait 30 seconds.
5. Continue pouring water in a circular motion until you reach 320g (or about 11.3oz) of water.
6. Let the water draw down completely, this should take around 3-4 minutes.
7. Enjoy your fresh cup of Hypergoat coffee.


1. Grind 42g (about 5 tablespoons) of your Hypergoat coffee beans to a medium-coarse consistency.
2. Place the filter in your Chemex, then pour some hot water through the filter to wet it and warm the Chemex.
3. Dispose of the water used for rinsing.
4. Add your freshly ground Hypergoat coffee to the filter.
5. Pour 150g (or about 5.3oz) of water over the grounds for the bloom phase, then wait 45 seconds.
6. Continue pouring water in a circular motion until you reach 630g (or about 22.2oz) of water.
7. Allow the water to draw down completely.
8. Enjoy your fresh pot of Hypergoat coffee.